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Low’s Adventures 2

Low’s Adventures 2

Low’s Adventures 2 img

Famous platformer series returns with even more thrilling levels and perilous hurdles! Low’s Adventures 2 is the second game of the franchise, where you still take the role of a reckless explorer, ready to investigate all nooks and crannies of these terrains. Who knows what enigmas you are going to find there?

Gameplay Low’s Adventures 2

If you are already familiar with the mechanics of the previous game, it will be easy to play the second chapter of Low’s Adventures. As it is an old-fashioned pc platformer game, you won’t need to memorise a lot of actions. However, it is simple to get acquainted with the controls, but quite hard to actually apply them!

Having a total of 32 levels in the game, you will need to invent a certain approach to each of them, bypassing witty obstacle lines and figuring your way out of the labyrinths. Jump from one stand to another, climb the ladders and use the buttons to open unseen passages and to unseal the way out from the location.

At the same time, Low’s Adventures introduces new activities gradually, giving you some time to think through the strategy and to prepare yourself for new pursuits. Read the instructions the game gives to you carefully, as they always contain useful tips on how to avoid the danger.

Raise the level of challenge

If you were not impressed by the difficulty of the previous Low’s Adventures, this game will totally satisfy your needs! Each round in the game is filled with intricate puzzles and perilous enemies. Moreover, your opponents now move faster and perform really dangerous stunts that can easily knock you down.

If you are killed in Low’s Adventures, either because of your own recklessness or a treacherous attack, you return to the very beginning of the run. Restart the game as many times as you need, mastering the route and discovering unexpected shortcuts. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be upset if you need to go through the course of obstacles once again!

Face new enemies

Apart from the complicated landscapes, Low’s Adventures also prepared a bunch of new monsters for you to fend off. Not only blue octopuses, but also vicious flying eyes and murderous orange spikes will be haunting you throughout the whole game.

However, in the end of Low’s Adventures you will need to accumulate the maximum of your strengths, as the game needs you to face your greatest foe – a boss that can wipe you off these lands with just one punch!


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