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Pandemic 2

Pandemic 2

Pandemic 2 img

Have you ever wondered how super dangerous diseases are spread across the world? Pandemic 2 lets you learn a little bit more of this process in a very intricate way. Become a new illness yourself and manage its distribution efficiently, infecting the world step by step.

Create a New Bioweapon

Start the game in any country you wish and begin the process of evolution. Your way won’t be easy, as the scientists will also begin their studies as soon as they discover you. Try to win this race and destroy humanity until it is too late.

  • Choose between three types of disease
  • Venture for the hardest mode
  • Unblock all deadly traits
  • Select the most effective approach

To annihilate the population quicklier, you can purchase different traits and improve your illness. However, note that the deadlier it is, the more visible it becomes for the scientists!


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